Exploring what water safety means to overseas born mothers and carers of children under FIVE years from CaLD backgrounds
Year: 2020 - current
Project Team: Dr Justine Leavy (Curtin University), Dr Gemma Crawford (Curtin University), Malena Della Bona (Curtin University & Lauren Nimmo (RLSSWA)
The context: People from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) groups are vulnerable to drowning in Australia, and are a priority in national water safety strategies. This project is interested in insights from CaLD mothers and carers regarding drowning and water safety for both themselves and their children.
Examine perceptions of water safety and drowning prevention from women in culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) groups
Explore barriers & facilitators to water familiarisation skills amongst CaLD women
Develop recommendations for drowning prevention resources and strategies specifically designed for women from CaLD backgrounds and their children aged under 5 years
Project impacts: This project will work with community organisations established CaLD populations and the domains of enquiry will explore perceptions, experiences and behaviours of water safety and water-based activities and water familiarisation. The findings will provide recommendations for drowning prevention resources and strategies specifically designed for RLSSWA. This aligns with The Australian Water Safety Strategy (AWSS) 2016-2020 to reduce drowning deaths in high - risk populations that include culturally diverse population, migrants, international students and international tourists.