Hepatitis B and the Myanmar Community
Assessing hepatitis B knowledge, attitudes and practices among Myanmar community in Perth, Western Australia.
Investigating Australian male expatriate and long term traveller social networks in Thailand to determine their potential to influence HIV and other STI risk behaviour.
Co-designing an intervention to increase uptake of HIV treatment in Indonesian women
Journey to Home
Investigating mental health, homelessness and culturally and linguistic diversity populations in Western Australia.
Park Run for Inclusion
An exploration of Parkrun to promote social inclusion in newly arrived migrant women from CaLD backgrounds living in Western Australia.
MiBSS Survey
Investigating knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and practices of migrant populations living in Australia in relation to STIs and BBVs to reduce sexual health disparities
Water Safety for CaLD Mothers
Exploring water safety means to overseas born mothers and carers of children under 5 years.
Pre-testing draft sexual health and blood-borne virus resources with CaLD consumers to improve resources prior to distribution.
Peer-led models for mental health promotion
Establishing best practice principles for peer-led models used in mental health promotion for migrants from CaLD backgrounds.